These tiny tartlet cases and pastry rounds are very speedy to make. No need to rest this very easy to handle pastry, just mix with a fork, roll, cut out with a biscuit cutter, bake and go.  The cooked pastry will keep for a couple of weeks in an airtight container.  Perfect if you like to plan ahead for an occasion or just be prepared.




Makes around 65 x 4cm rounds or 60 x 5cm rounds as pastry cases

75        gm white rice flour
            Extra white rice flour for dusting
75        gm brown rice flour
75        gm besan (chick pea) flour
¼         teaspoon salt
½         teaspoon castor sugar
120      ml water
70        ml olive oil
            Sea salt flakes for sprinkling on rounds

Preheat oven to 175°C.  Line two baking trays with non-stick baking paper.

Sift dry ingredients together and combine well. Add oil and warm water and mix with a fork until well combined. Knead lightly until the mixture comes together adding a little more water if too dry, a little more white rice flour if it is too wet.

Divide dough into two and in two separate batches, in between two sheets of non-stick baking paper, roll out the dough to around 2-3mms thick. Cut into rounds with a 4cm biscuit cutter for savoury pastry rounds or a 5cm biscuit cutter for mini pastry cases.

If making Savoury Pastry Rounds place the 4cm rounds on to the prepared baking sheets, sprinkle with sea salt flakes and bake for approximately 12 mins until golden brown.

If making Tiny Tartlet Cases, line around 60 mini tartlet or mini muffin tins with the 5cm pastry rounds. Place on baking sheets and bake for approximately 12 minutes until golden brown. No need to use pastry weights, just bake for 8 minutes then, with two clean fingers, flatten any bases which have begun to bubble up then bake for a further 4 or 5 minutes or until golden. When cool enough to handle, remove from tins and cool on a rack.

Allow to cool completely before storing in an airtight container.  Will keep in a cool dark place for more than two weeks.

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